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类型:恐怖片 美国 1961







50部恐怖电影排行: 1 THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE 1974 Cutting deep: Tobe Hooper takes horror to the bleeding edge. 德州电锯杀人狂 2 HALLOWEEN 1978 Hawks meets Hitchcock as the slasher cycle finds true Shape... 月光光心慌慌 3 SUSPIRIA 1977 Sighs and whispers (and screams) in Argentos baroque bloodletter. 坐立不安 4 DAWN OF THE DEAD 1978 George A Romeros definitive document of the walking dead. 活人生吃1978 5 THE SHINING 1980 Loving family man tries to put an axe through his sons head. 鬼店 6 PSYCHO 1960 Come on up to the house. Oh, and dont mind Mother... 惊魂记 7 THE WICKER MAN 1973 Creeping pagan terror on a remote Scottish island. 8 ROSEMARYS BABY 1968 The horny Devil hits home and hearth... 失婴记 9 DONT LOOK NOW 1973 Nicolas Roegs clammy elegy to love and loss. 10 CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST 1980 Horror doesnt get any harsher than this. 食人族 11 THE THING 1982 Snatched bodies and reheated Cold War paranoia. 突变第三型 12 CARRIE 1976 Memo to all bullies - Stop. Picking. On. The. Quiet. Ones. 魔女嘉莉 13 THE EXORCIST 1973 The Devil rides into the mother of all religio-horrors. 大法师 14 THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT 1999 If you go down to the woods today... take a camcorder. 厄夜丛林 15 WITCHFINDER GENERAL 1968 Lyrical English landscapes are painted red with torture. 16 THE HAUNTING 1963 You are invited to a born-bad house. Bring your own ghosts. 鬼入侵(旧) 17 THE EVIL DEAD 1981 Five go bloody in the woods in Raimis splatter-punk debut. 鬼玩人 18 PEEPING TOM 1960 Cameraman fi lms as he kills. Such a nice young man... 魔光血影 (偷窥者) 19 ALIEN 1979 The ultimate hacknslash bad-boy monster. 异形 20 BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN 1935 Karloffs monster lumbers towards matrimony. 钟楼怪人 21 NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD 1968 A bunch of amateurs stake out a home in horror history. 活死人之夜(旧) 22 CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE 1944 A haunting, shivery study of childhood loneliness. 23 SWITCHBLADE ROMANCE 2003 Modern horror grows some bloody big balls. 颤栗 24 A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Horny teens get fingered by the son of a thousand maniacs. 半夜鬼上床 25 AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON 1981 More than just a shaggy dog story. 美国狼人在伦敦 26 NIGHT OF THE DEMON 1957 Cat People helmer brings that ol black magic to Blighty. 27 HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER 1986 String vests and death by screwdriver. 连续杀人凶手亨利 (连续杀人犯的一生) 28 BAY OF BLOOD 1971 Everyone kills everyone else in once-banned video nasty. 29 AUDITION 1999 A womans revenge, served with relish by Takashi Miike. 切肤之爱 30 SHIVERS 1975 Zombies run riot in an early slab of Cronenberg meat. 31 THE INNOCENTS 1961 Subtle scares in Henry James clammy ghost tale. 恶魔附身的小孩 32 THE DEVIL RIDES OUT 1968 Its Christopher Lee versus soul-stealing Satanists! 33 LES DIABOLIQUES 1955 Murderous schemes in a French boarding school. 34 DEAD RINGERS 1988 Love, addiction, separation. Nausea guaranteed. 35 INFERNO 1980 Blood and thunder in Argentos frenzied trip of the brain. 地狱 36 MARTIN 1977 Growing pains for bloodsucking teen sociopath. 马丁 37 THE HOWLING 1981 A tongue-in-cheek werewolf pic that likes its meat rare. 破胆三次 38 VAMPYR 1932 Gather, darkness: a vampire film like no other. 吸血鬼 39 CANDYMAN 1992 Dare you to look in the mirror and say his name five times! No? Thought not... 腥风怒吼 40 THE PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES 1966 City quack investigates dying country bumpkins. 41 SCREAM 1996 Wes Craven rewrites the slasher textbook. 惊声尖叫 42 TARGETS 1968 Trad horror confronts modern terror in Bogdanovichs debut. 43 THE SECT 1991 Infernal pits, Devil-worship and the son of Satan! 44 THE DESCENT 2005 Six chicks with picks. Be afraid, be very afraid. 45 BRAINDEAD 1992 Quite possibly the bloodiest movie ever made. 新空房禁地 46 HOUR OF THE WOLF 1968 Father Merrin must exorcise a few demons of his own. 47 ERASERHEAD 1977 David Lynch presents an argument for sterilisation. 橡皮头人 48 NEKROMANTIK 1987 Dead and loving it in a truly sick flick. 残酷的浪漫 49 THE BEYOND 1981 Director Lucio Fulci goes to Hell and back. 50 HELLRAISER 1987 Demonically kinky splatter-smut in Clive Barkers deviant debut 养鬼吃人 僵尸(系列):原名ZOMBIE,共四集。Lucio Fulci是始作俑者,第一集最为经典。 丧尸出笼:乔治.罗梅罗的作品,此君的电影适合给Micheal Jackson作MTV背景用。 该片一度被奸商作为电影版的《生化危机》出售。 魔鬼牙医(系列):布里安.尤兹纳作品,心理扭曲的世界的真实反映,两集。 活死亡归来(BACK FROM THE DEAD):与《群尸玩过界》类似,绝对刺激视觉与心理防线! 魔鬼医院:**医生用活人作试验的恐怖故事 活死人的黎明:活死人系列代表作,以恶心的僵尸著称。 《尸变》1983导演:塞姆·莱米


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